Acceptance and commitment coaching

In addition to being a licensed psychotherapist, I am also an Acceptance and Commitment Coach. Acceptance and Commitment Coaching (ACC) uses common core behavioral and psychological processes that cut across multiple domains of coaching. ACC is built on the principles and transdiagnostic science of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT).

Life coaching - Reach your full potential in life by closing the gap between where you are and where you would like to be in life. Bring awareness to your life dreams and empower yourself to pursue them.

Habits coaching - Make the connection between your beliefs, thoughts, actions, habits, personality, and ultimately, as the saying goes, your destiny. Habit is the most powerful mechanism of change. With ACC it starts with awareness of the habits of mind that are effective or ineffective and then extends that awareness to the physical habits that are desired to move us toward a meaningful and fulfilling life by not just engaging in the behaviors that take you to your goals, but by engaging in the behaviors that make it easier to do the behaviors that take you to your goals. One small powerful step at a time.

Couples coaching - Create connection, mutual respect, deep friendship, and excitement in your relationship through awareness, values, and an ability to courageously love and be loved.

Relationship coaching - Building better relationship and resolving conflict in personal and professional relationships through clear vision for how to skillfully and effectively treat yourself and those around you based on your core values.

Parent coaching - Create a family that loves, understands, communicates, respects, and cherishes time together. One that is proactive, not reactive. One that is built on understanding and cooperation and does not rely on power, anxiety, and force to thrive.

Health & wellness coaching - Create health oriented habits and self-care routines that start you off on a path of improved health or improve quality of life while managing health challenges.

Adjustment coaching - Effectively adapt to the stress of a new career, change in relationship status, divorce, or other major life transitions.