Book Summaries: Self-improvement books summarized
The books listed on this page are books that I have read and have found useful for therapy or coaching targets. I’ve provided a short description paragraph for each book. If you want to see the full summary, click on the read full book summary link under the short descriptions.
How to be an imperfectionist
by Stephen Guise
Perfectionism is damaging. Every one struggles with perfectionism. It is prevalent in our thoughts and society. Perfectionism is linked to procrastination, depression, disordered eating, and suicide. It gives the illusion of superiority, but is actually a restrictive and inferior mindset. Perfectionism keeps us from striving and working towards our goals because it keeps us stuck in the safety of excuses. inaction, and invisibiliy.
The Self-Confidence Workbook
by Barbara Markway, PhD and Celia Ampel
Self-confidence is to “act with trust in self.” Expecting or waiting to feel confident is a trap that keeps us stuck in a low-confidence loop. The less confident we feel, the less action we take and the more we avoid life. The more we avoid life and taking action the more we loose confidence. The good news is that self-confidence is a learnable skill. Building self-confidence is a choice that requires a willingness to live your values in the face unknown and uncertain outcomes.
The Art of Extraordinary Confidence
by Dr. Aziz Gazipura
Confidence is the willingness to do what it takes, coupled with follow-through on taking action. We build confidence by building our ability to be aware of the excuses, stories, and beliefs that keep us stuck and living small. As we confront the stories, we uncover what actions are necessary to build the life we want. This process of building confidence starts from the inside and expands outward as we develop our ability to recognize our priorities, our values, and our worth. And along the way find out that the love, acceptance, and belonging that we have been seeking from others has been inside of us all along.
The Morning Miracle
By Hal Elrod
Personal development is essential for creating and living a life that is in alignment with your values and your full potential. Setting aside dedicated time for personal development can radically change your life. Doing it first thing in the morning ensures that it gets the attention it deserves and that you are able to reap the rewards of making personal development an essential habit and part of your day.
Think Like a Warrior
By Darrin Donnelly
You are unstoppable. Conquering your limiting beliefs is not only possible, it is essential to fulfilling your true potential. In this story, five inner beliefs are explored through fictional encounters with five sports greats who share their winning mindsets, along with the how to and the why to adopt them as your own.
The Happiness Trap
By Russ Harris
The bad news is that we are all in a trap. The good news is that there is a clear pathway out. The first step of the path is to become aware of the trap. Next is understanding how the trap works and recognizing the escape strategies that pull us deeper into the trap. The final step, is to try new strategies that release us from the trap. Strategies that we can learn and practice to give up our struggle, to walk away from the trap and put our energy where it matters - into creating a rich and meaningful life.